Aug 31, 2005

City Coucilman David Yassky Endoreses Sampson for Brooklyn DA: Sampson found to be Unqualified by the NYS Bar Association

Further proof that Mark Peters is en route to become the next District Attorney of Brooklyn, former DA candidate City Coucilman Yassky endorsed Sampson earlier this week.

State Sen. John Sampson has hit a streak of bad luck recently: his quit field director Tahaka Robinson, running/ran out of money, New York State Bar Association found him as being the only unqualified candidate running for Brooklyn DA, and now a "Colonizer" as some Black leaders have taken to call Yassky has endorsed him.

Aug 29, 2005

August 29, 2005 9:52 am

Brooklyn District Attorney Charles "Joe" Hynes is seeking a fifth term as the chief law enforcement officer of the state's biggest county. He shouldn't get it. Brooklyn needs a more effective and scrupulously nonpartisan prosecutor.Hynes'... (Read Article)

Aug 24, 2005

Break down of Brooklyn DA's race

Incumbent for 16 years Charles "Joe" Hynes is being challenged in the Sept. 13th Democratic Primary by 3 challengers: NYS Attorney General's Chief Corruption Prosecutor Mark Peters, Private defense attorney Arnie Kriss, and State Senator John Sampson.